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Certified High Performance Coaches:

Rolf Foster-Jorgensen

Rolf is a Certified High Performance Coach, award-earning global consultative skills facilitation expert, and instructional designer with 35+ years experience primarily within Fortune 500 clients. He has owned multi-million dollar businesses and coaches other coaches as a dual US/Canada citizen from his coastal Nova Scotia home and business.

Yasemin Inal

Yasemin is a Certified High Performance Coach, global Business Strategist, international motivational speaker, writer, podcaster and college professor with Ivy League credentials. Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, she has invested 25+ years in the US, empowering big dreamers from her North Carolina home and business.

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Do you really require a gift just to opt-in?

You already know your teams are struggling, and wonder whether our Certified High Performance Coaching might be the solution, right? Yet none of us can know until we communicate to explore your situation and how our offer might help. That is why we need you to opt-in with a valid email.

Now, many sites try to bribe you with some freemium gift. Yet some of them frankly border on being either insulting or frivolous. So instead, we’re offering to entertain you with a brief (two-page with pictures) pdf called, "5 Executive Myths Debunked - Avoid Traps for Greater Job Security” Enjoy and we’ll be in touch. Thanks.

Begin your journey to SUSTAINED, not just intermittent “peak”, high performance


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